See all five episodes of Murder at Astor’s Point released exclusively on the Titan TV Instagram account! @titantv57

Episode 1 summary: Freda and Professor Hill receive summons to come to the reading of the will of Rufus Astor, but there is more to the will than they thought.
Episode 2 summary: The group explores the mansion further after figuring out the first riddle.
Episode 3 summary: Freya wants to call the police because two people have died and the group goes searching for another clue.
Episode 4 summary: Things heat up after Jared’s attack and the remaining members come closer to the end of their investigation.
Episode 5 summary: Freya and Hill escape the vault and are confronted by the murderer.
Executive Producers: Jonathan May, Jayda Dobeck
Writers: Jonathan May, Lauren Sweetman
Actors: Emelia Roberts (as Freya), Caleb Tancrede (as Professor Hill),
Melony Villareal (as Adelaide), Drake Jesse (as Jared),
Jenavieve Plutz (as Wilhelmina), Izaac Downie (as Frederick),
Jonathan May (as Butler), Logan Spahos (as Rufus Astor).
A Titan TV original production, Spring 2024.