Growing tensions rise between two private investigators, as Henly (Marcus Miller) and Trent (Melony Villarreal), are hired to investigate a cold case at the once illustrious Hotel Gruenhagen.
The infamous location of the unsolved Macabre 3 murders. As the duo delve deeper into the case and make friends with the front desk worker Jalen (Chole Muller), tensions only grow between the two as their relationship only grows more and more Pernicious.
Fall 2024. Executive producers: Albino Anzures and Bryce Holtman.
Episode 1 – Macabre – After a disastrous meeting with one of their clients, Henly and Trent start off at a new low, until a life-changing case comes lands on their desk.
Episode 2 – The Hotel Gruenhagen – After meeting with Edgar, Henly and Trent become acquainted with Jalen, who decides to help the two solve the Macabre 3.
Episode 3 – Stomps in the Night– Henly and Jalen follow Trent as she’s determined to solve the mysterious Stomps in the Night.
Episode 4 – The Yellow Letter – After discovering the Yellow Letter Henly, Trent, and Jalen work together, to put the Macabre 3 to rest.
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